There is something deeply uncomfortable about listening to a recording of our own voice1.
So when I listened last week to my first podcast effort – as a guest on Founder’s Ascent – I had to go through it more than once, just to get over the agony of hearing myself 😆.
But, past that, I was reminded of how much I enjoyed the chat I’d had with BJ Anderson and Gavin Thomas the week before.
I had a great time, discussing my leadership journey, Impact Society and how we’re going to change the world, insecurities, how we’re all winging it, and the fear I felt in taking the leap from the corporate world to a startup.
These are two impressive young men, who demonstrate wisdom and humility that I wish I’d possessed at their age.
If you think you can handle the sound of my voice, please check out this first episode of a two part series ☺️.
- Apparently it’s because we’re accustomed to hearing our voice as it’s conducted through our skull. Whereas the recording is of our voice as it’s conducted through the air.