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Behind the scenes: Launching our first physical product, the Daily Acts of Leadership cards

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I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement as Joel carefully cut open the carton on my dining room table yesterday.

Inside was the final piece of something we’ve been working on for months: our first ever physical product, the Daily Acts of Leadership card deck.

Sending thousands of dollars and some fancy PDFs halfway around the world takes a leap of faith. You have to trust the product will arrive on our doorstep as we’d envisioned it.

And this was a critical part of the deck – the box. It’s the first thing people will see, whether in a store or in the mail. It had to be perfect.

So, when Joel finally unpacked it and I saw what was inside, I wasn’t just relieved, I was thrilled 😅. The manufacturer nailed it. It was just as we’d imagined. Maybe better.

I couldn’t stop smiling 😀.

And I spent a moment enjoying the experience, knowing it was a once-in-a-lifetime moment. We’ll never again unpack our very first product. We’ve already got more physical products in the works (and they’re pretty amazing), but none of them will be our first.

I know seeing new products for the first time will always be exciting, but it’ll become more routine as we grow. So, I felt a deep mix of excitement, pride and gratitude all at once.

It was an amazing feeling, made even better by sharing it with Joel ☺️.

We’re just updating our website for the exciting step into physical products. And we expect to sell out our first batch quickly when they go on sale next week.

If you want to get a hold of a set, order now.

Impact Society
Daily Acts of Leadership


New. 52 cards to inspire small, daily leadership actions that build trust, boost team engagement and enhance leadership skills.