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20 things strong leaders can do (but old school managers avoid)

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Modern leaders focus on authenticity.

While old school managers are too busy obsessing about not looking weak.

But, you can be a strong, authentic leader and:

  1. Not have all the answers
  2. Ask “silly” questions
  3. Find work hard
  4. Experience mental health issues
  5. Feel and express love for your work and team
  6. Make mistakes
  7. Admit you were wrong and apologise
  8. Talk about your emotions
  9. Be caring
  10. Trust others
  11. Smile, laugh and cry
  12. Ask others what they need
  13. Ask for what you need
  14. Ask for feedback on how you can improve
  15. See a coach and/or therapist
  16. Take sick leave
  17. Talk about your life outside of work
  18. Prioritise work life balance
  19. Have insecurities
  20. Say work isn’t the most important thing in your life

Modern leadership sees authenticity as the key to connection.

And connection as a key lever of leadership.