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Great writing is your secret weapon for impact

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Writing is one of the most powerful tools you have. Whether you’re running a business, leading a team, or simply trying to get a message across, the way you write can make or break your impact. Yet, most people don’t give it the attention it deserves. That’s a mistake.

Writing isn’t magic, it’s a skill

Good writing isn’t some mystical talent reserved for a lucky few. It’s a skill – one you can learn, practice, and get better at. Like any other skill, it takes effort. But the payoff is huge. When you can write well, you can communicate better. And when you communicate better, everything else falls into place.

If you’re in a position of leadership, don’t just focus on your own writing—coach your team too. Make it a priority. Writing isn’t just about putting words on a page. It’s about getting your ideas across in a way that sticks.

Writing that gets ignored is useless

Here’s what I wish they’d taught me in college: writing doesn’t matter if no one will read it. At least not from a business standpoint. – – It’s like that old line about a tree falling in a forest: if you create a document but your target audience ignores it because it’s not tailored to their needs, does it make a sound? People are busy! They aren’t going to waste their time reading something that isn’t relevant, that’s too long or wordy, that strikes the wrong tone. From website copy to technical documentation to fiction, this principle stands firm: writing doesn’t matter if no one will read it.
– Anonymous

Don’t let great work go to waste

Imagine this: you and your team pour your heart into a project. The work is solid—technically sound, full of insights—but the way it’s presented is clunky, hard to follow, or just plain boring. What happens? The audience doesn’t get it. They don’t see the value. Your hard work goes to waste.

This is a common problem across industries. Experts deliver great work that never sees the light of day because it’s wrapped up in a confusing package. The result? Unhappy bosses, unhappy clients and a lot of wasted time and money.

Invest in your writing

Good writing makes your work count. It turns something that’s merely “good” into something that’s impactful. When your writing is clear, concise, and tailored to your audience, people pay attention. They act on it. And that’s where the magic happens.

Make great writing your competitive edge. Let it be the reason your reports get read, shared, and acted upon. Start by asking yourself a simple question before you write: What’s the purpose? What should the reader know, think, or do after they’ve read this?

Hire good writers

Here’s a couple of gems on writing from my summary of ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson:

  • Good writing is about more than just ‘writing’. Clear writing = clear thinking, putting yourself in the audience’s shoes, and knowing what to leave out. These are great qualities in any position.
  • If you can’t choose between candidates for a job, hire the best writer.

What makes good writing?

So, what does good writing look like? First off, it’s clear and straightforward. Don’t make your readers dig for the important stuff. Spell it out. Use plain language—no jargon, no fluff. The goal is for anyone, regardless of their background, to understand what you’re saying.

Good writing is also concise. Busy people don’t have time for big blocks of text. Keep it short, sharp, and to the point. Cut the fat. Every word should serve a purpose.

Finally, good writing is actionable. Your readers should walk away knowing exactly what to do next. It’s not enough to just provide information—you need to guide them to the next step.

Tips for writing better

How do you get there? Start with a clear purpose. Before you begin writing, make sure you know why you’re writing in the first place. What’s the goal? Who’s the audience? What do you want them to do after reading?

Don’t write in a vacuum. Get feedback early and often.

And don’t be afraid to bring in outside help. A professional editor can make a world of difference, not just in cleaning up your writing, but in teaching you how to get better.

Can’t afford an editor? ChatGPT does a great job of editing and providing suggestions to improve your written work.

At the end of the day, writing is more than just a way to communicate—it’s a tool to get things done. Invest in it, and you’ll see the difference in everything you do.

Where to go next

  • If you want to dig deeper into the craft of writing, check out Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg. It’s a quick read that breaks down the essentials of good writing into bite-sized, actionable pieces.
    Buy a copy here: AU • UK • US
  • ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson has some great advice on writing, communication and work in general. Check out my summary of the book here.