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How to turn frustrations with your boss into leadership growth

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Ever find yourself frustrated with your boss? Here’s a twist: use their failings to become a better leader yourself.

It’s always been easy for me to spot the things my boss gets wrong. Strangely, though, I’ve not always been so sharp at spotting my own failings 😋.

Here’s a simple, practical way to turn that frustration into personal growth:

Every time your boss does something unhelpful – or fails to do something you wish they’d do – write it down. Literally keep a list.

Add to it whenever you reflect on past bosses, good and bad, and capture the lessons. Be as specific and practical as possible.

Then use that list to guide how you manage your team.

Think of it as applying the golden rule to leadership: treat your team the way you wish you were treated.

While your team might have needs that differ slightly from yours, the basics are universal. We’re all human with the same fundamental needs: to feel seen, valued, included and respected. And to find purpose, autonomy and mastery in our work.

By intentionally managing with these needs in mind, you’ll significantly improve your leadership effectiveness.

Plus, your list might even serve as feedback for your boss – either if they invite it or if you muster the courage to offer it in a constructive, caring way.

Want more simple ways to elevate your leadership? Check out our Daily Acts of Leadership card deck – 52 quick, actionable leadership activities designed to make an impact in 15 minutes or less.

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