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If you don’t cringe at your past leadership approach, are you growing?

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It’s been 15 years since I first managed people. And, when I look back at my past self, I cringe at the way I thought and went about some things.

It’s uncomfortable. But I think that’s a good thing. Because it means I’m growing.

If I hadn’t grown, I wouldn’t feel any differently about management and leadership now than I did then.

So, it makes me wonder: if we don’t look back and cringe at our past selves from 5 or 10 years ago, are we even growing?

Maybe not.

But, as Joel pointed out to me, we don’t need to cringe. Instead, we can recognise that we weren’t as developed then as we are now. That we’ve never before known as much about management, leadership and life.

So, instead of cringing, we can kindly forgive ourselves for the growth we hadn’t yet completed. And be grateful for how far we’ve come.

Now, I’m curious about the ways in which I’ll cringe in another 5 or 10 years’ time, as I look back at me now 🤔.