We tend to picture grand things when we think of impactful leadership.
But it’s often the small acts that count.
Because most of our impact comes day in, day out as we go about our role.
And it’s easy to miss these everyday opportunities when we’re rushed and preoccupied by other things.
It’s hard to find time to sit down and plan our leadership activities. And harder to know what to do.
That’s why we’re launching our first Impact Society physical product, the Daily Acts of Leadership card deck.
It includes 52 cards featuring everyday leadership actions that can be completed in 15 minutes or less.
Each action is quick and easy to complete. And focussed on making a difference with your team.
Example actions include:
- Ask a team member for advice on a current issue. Bonus points if it’s someone you wouldn’t normally ask.
- Work out who’s most stressed or overloaded in your team and ask them: What’s one small thing I can do for you today?
- Publicly thank a team member for a recent contribution. Be as specific as possible about it.
- Invite a team member you don’t work with closely for a coffee chat.
- Ask a team member: What’s bugging you right now? What’s causing friction?
To use them, you can:
- Leave them on your desk, and randomly grab one whenever you’ve got a moment
- Hand them around at your leadership meeting and ask everyone to pick and share one they’ll complete that week
- Use them to coach your team, by suggesting a few small actions they can focus on to improve their effectiveness
- Pick a handful that you want to focus on and stick them on your wall as a reminder
- Invite your team to select a few they they’d like you to work on
They’re small actions with a big impact.
Order the Daily Acts of Leadership card deck here.

Impact Society
Daily Acts of Leadership
New. 52 cards to inspire small, daily leadership actions that build trust, boost team engagement and enhance leadership skills.