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The good way to give bad news

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Dreading sharing some bad news with a team member?

Here’s 3 steps to approach it 👇.

If you have bad news to share with someone, the kind and effective way to do it is directly and with compassion.

Don’t beat around the bush or procrastinate.

Giving bad news is hard. But receiving it is certainly harder.

So meet the other person as a human. Be present, sensitive and compassionate. Don’t shut down emotionally and be a hard arse.

Here’s three steps to approach it:

1. Plan it
  • Write down your objectives for the meeting: as a minimum this should include
    • Clearly communicating the key messages to the other person; and
    • Ensuring the other person feels supported
    • Understanding the other person’s point of view
  • Write down your key messages clearly
  • Write word for word your opening line, which you’ll use to kick start yourself e.g. “I have some bad news to share, so I think it’s best I get straight to it and clearly lay it all out on the table – I want start by sharing my objectives for the meeting”
2. Do it
  • Keep informal chit chat to a minimum. You’ll likely be nervous and the other person will sense it. Lingering in the chit chat will torture both of you and raise the other person’s anxiety
  • Say your opening line, word for word, if you need to. This will kick start the conversation
  • State your objectives, including very clearly saying you wish to support them
  • Clearly articulate your key messages
  • Ask the other person to share their thoughts and ask questions
  • State the next steps
3. Follow up
  • Send an e-mail that reiterates your objectives and key messages, and the next steps
  • Clearly outline what support you’ll provide the other person
  • Check in with them: to ensure they’re ok, to make sure they’ve understood the news and to see if they’d like to talk further about it

If you have bad news to share with someone, it’s best to move swiftly and share it with them in a direct and caring manner. To have a successful conversation, plan it, do it and follow up.

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