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When you make the wrong hire it’s tempting to blame the person you hired

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You’ll want to say things like “they just weren’t a good fit for our team” or “they didn’t live up to their resume”. I know I’ve said things like this.

But the best leaders take accountability for their hiring decisions.

Here are three things to stop saying about bad hires, and what to say instead.

Instead ofSay
“They just weren’t a good fit for our team.”“I didn’t accurately assess how they would fit with our team.”
“They didn’t live up to their resume.”“I wasn’t able to make good use of their skills and experience.”
“They didn’t understand their role and responsibilities properly.”“I didn’t clearly define the role and expectations, which led to a mismatch.”

Taking accountability for hiring doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get help and support.

Recruitment specialists can save you a lot of time, and increase the chances of finding a great person to hire.

But leaders must own the hiring process and decisions.

Need help with hiring? Check out the Impact Society Guide to Recruitment here. We’ve even provided a free sample to get you started.

Impact Society
Guide to Recruitment

This guide helps you design and run a better recruitment process to find an amazing fit for your next hire.

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