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Sean Craig

Daily Acts of Leadership: A simple tool to build stronger leaders every day

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  • 2 min read

They’re here! Our Daily Acts of Leadership card decks are officially on sale 🥳🎉! Leadership isn’t just about the big moments. It’s shaped in the small, everyday actions that build trust, inspire others and create meaningful change. That’s exactly why we created this deck. Want… 

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Why avoiding pain leads to more problems (and what to do instead)

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  • 2 min read

Pain is inevitable. But what happens next is up to us. We can process it and grow. Or avoid it and watch it repeat. It’s inevitable that we experience painful moments, at work and in life. Pain is part of being human. Things go wrong:… 

A street sign hanging off the side of a building

Sonder and leadership: The one mindset shift that changes everything

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  • 2 min read

Here’s a word for something we all know, but rarely articulate: sonder. American writer John Koenig published an ambitious book in 2012, ‘The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows’. It’s an amazing project: he set about creating new words to describe complex emotions that lack a precise… 

boy singing on microphone with pop filter

Are corporations bad? Exploring the role of leadership in shaping organisational impact

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  • 2 min read

Are corporations inherently harmful, or are they simply reflections of the leaders who run them? It’s increasingly fashionable – particularly on the political fringes – to dismiss corporations as inherently harmful: exploitative, profit-driven and destructive to society. But I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong… 

blue and white abstract painting

Why good managers don’t need to be perfect

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  • 1 min read

To be a good manager – or just a good person – doesn’t mean we need to be perfect. Being a good manager simply means that when we make mistakes, we: Nobody is perfect. To be imperfect is to be human. And striving for perfection… 

Leadership with a beat: Impact Society’s 2024 Mixtape Volume 1

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  • 2 min read

Leadership might be serious business, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy ourselves along the way. So often, management and leadership content and advice is as dry as it is out of date and out of touch. We’re trying to change that in many… 

silhouette of mountains

The key to better performance? Be hard on behaviour, soft on people

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  • 3 min read

Are you hard on behaviour but soft on people? You should be. Here’s why 👇. Most people most of the time are trying their best. When people stuff up, it’s rarely out of malice. Remember Hanlon’s Razor: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately… 

A small toy hippo holding a book on a table

Managers must manage: Taking ownership of leadership challenges

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  • 2 min read

It’s not HR’s job to manage your team for you. Some managers seem to think that when the uncomfortable parts of their role (e.g. performance managing or firing people) get tough, it’s time to hand the task off to HR – or their own manager.… 

person standing near body of water during daytime

Finding growth in unexpected places: Reflections on 2024

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  • 5 min read

Every year, life surprises me with lessons about who I really am. 2024 was no different. I’ve never spent more time with anyone than I have myself. In fact, there’s not a moment that I wasn’t here with me 😀. Yet, it blows my mind… 

red and brown wooden table tennis racket

Why the best workplaces go beyond ping pong tables and free lunches

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  • 3 min read

Think about the worst possible workplace. Not just bad. Hellishly bad. What does it look like? How would people feel? And how productive would they be? I imagine people who’re bullied, harassed, stressed, overloaded, underequipped, in ill-suited roles, navigating ambiguous and changing priorities, underpaid, in… 

brown brush

How small habits can transform your leadership style

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  • 3 min read

I know I should meditate more. And that doing it – even for five minutes – would benefit me. But, I say to myself… I don’t have the time. It seems too hard. I can always start tomorrow. This is all a fairly accurate –… 

fried egg in bowl

How to turn frustrations with your boss into leadership growth

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  • 2 min read

Ever find yourself frustrated with your boss? Here’s a twist: use their failings to become a better leader yourself. It’s always been easy for me to spot the things my boss gets wrong. Strangely, though, I’ve not always been so sharp at spotting my own…