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Sean Craig

zago plant

Bad culture punishes mistakes more than it celebrates success

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  • 2 min read

The more senior we get, the more tempting it can be to play not to lose. (As opposed to playing to win). I’ve noticed this trend amongst some leaders (and in myself sometimes). The more senior we get, the more conversative we become. At a… 

Nobody has it all together

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  • 2 min read

You know all those amazing people who seem to have their sh!t together? Well, they all have (at least) one thing in common with you… I used to get intimidated by the many capable people I work with. Especially if they were older and more… 

brown dried leaves on sand

Is there such a thing as too much praise at work?

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  • 1 min read

Is there such a thing as too much praise at work? Some managers think so. Here’s why they’re wrong. “You can’t hug your kids too much”. That’s what I told one of my colleagues when talking about encouraging our teams. Here’s why it matters. There… 

white arrow painted on brick wall

How do you know if your strategic plan is working?

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  • 2 min read

A plan is only as good as its outcomes. Here’s how to track progress and ensure your strategy is delivering results. It’s easy to feel good about a strategic plan when it’s fresh. But the real test is whether it delivers results. How do you… 

snow covered mountain under blue sky

The number 1 thing managers should do with their team members

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  • 2 min read

Here’s the number 1 thing managers should do with their team members. It’s common sense, but not common practice. What is it? Set quarterly goals with each team member. It’s a straightforward exercise, but rarely done well. Usually because managers simply haven’t been taught how… 

two gray pencils on yellow surface

Effective managers schedule regular one-on-ones. And stick to them

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  • 2 min read

Most managers have one on ones with their teams. But here’s what separates the best from the worst 👇. Average managers organise one on ones from time to time. Highly effective managers schedule them in advance. And stick to them. The least effective don’t have… 

a bunch of metal structures that are stacked together

Most people can’t get organised, because they’re too busy being disorganised

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  • 2 min read

What’s the number 1 reason that most people can’t find the time to get organised? Because they’re too busy being disorganised! Many people can’t get organised, simply because they’re too busy being disorganised. As author Patrick Lencioni says in his book The Advantage, sometimes we… 

A Neon Light Text Signage

You can’t engage your team overnight, but here’s what you can do today

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  • 1 min read

It’s impossible to engage your team overnight. But here’s what’s possible today… It’ll only take you 30 minutes. But, in one year’s time you’ll have a team with boosted engagement, because they: And highly engaged teams are 3x more productive than merely satisfied teams. Talk… 

a close up view of a green leaf

Sophistication bias is a disease within organisations

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  • 2 min read

Turkish Olympic shooter Yusuf Dekic reminds me of a common problem in management. So many of us overcomplicate things, because of sophistication bias… This is when we ignore simple solutions in search of something more complex, innovative or clever. As a result, we – wrongly… 

yellow and white house

The envelope of leadership competence

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  • 2 min read

I think we each operate in an envelope of leadership competence. When we’re calm and composed, we rise to the heights of our competence. But, when we’re under extreme pressure, we lose our leadership composure and fall to the baseline of our incompetence. Our envelope… 

Person Swimming at the Pool in Grayscale Photo

20 things strong leaders can do (but old school managers avoid)

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  • 1 min read

Modern leaders focus on authenticity. While old school managers are too busy obsessing about not looking weak. But, you can be a strong, authentic leader and: Modern leadership sees authenticity as the key to connection. And connection as a key lever of leadership.

3 research-backed ways to overcome imposter syndrome

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  • 2 min read

70% of us suffer imposter syndrome. If you do, here’s 3 strategies for overcoming it… Harvard Business Review says that imposter syndrome usually involves: Most of us experience it. But it can be hard to shake. So, here’s four research-backed ways to overcome it, according… 

Respect > Politeness

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  • 1 min read

Very polite leaders tend to be less effective. Whereas highly respectful leaders perform better. Here’s why… Imagine a situation where someone isn’t doing a good job. Now, imagine it was you. What would you want your manager to do? Be polite and say nothing, in… 

Strong cultures are built on these 3 steps

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  • 1 min read

Strong cultures flourish when organisations do three things. And weak ones prevail when they don’t. Values are a powerful tool for defining culture. Many organisations have them. But they can be little more than dusty, faded wall decorations. Here’s how to use your values to… 

The three kinds of feedback great leaders use every day

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  • 1 min read

There are three kinds of feedback great leaders use every day. But good managers don’t. Here they are 👇 The best leaders create a psychologically safe environment where there is a lot feedback. In all directions. Between peers. To the boss. And from the boss.… 

The best team members demonstrate these behaviours

The best team members demonstrate these behaviours. But other people don’t. What are they? Have you ever noticed that some people are very good at what they do AND easy to work with at the same time? They’re a manager’s dream. Because we spend more… 

Leadership – like life generally – depends on strong relationships

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  • 2 min read

What we learn at work about relationships often helps in our personal lives too. And vice versa. Leadership is fundamentally about developing strong and healthy relationships with other people. Because, organisations are social structures. At their core, they’re a collection of interpersonal relationships. Both in… 

A great question for one-on-ones

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  • 2 min read

One of my favourite questions to ask in one-on-ones is: “What’s one thing I could do differently to better support you?”. Or you can unpack it further by asking, “What’s one thing I could stop or start doing? Or change how I do it?”. The… 

Need a straightforward strategic plan for your team or organisation?

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  • 2 min read

Need a straightforward strategic plan for your team or organisation? All it takes is six simple questions… In @Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Advantage, he says that the best performing teams have extremely clear answers to six questions: We’ve developed a simple tool to capture and… 

When things go M-A-D

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  • 2 min read

Have things gone M-A-D between your workers and management? (mutually assured demonisation) It’s a sad trend in many organisations. Workers assume the worst of management. Management assumes the worst of workers. If workers are unproductive, managers think they’re lazy. If they ask for better work…