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The Guide

Dear Guide: My boss has mental health issues, which lead her to treat me poorly. And now I’m struggling as a result

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  • 4 min read

Dear Guide: My boss has mental health issues and she has treated me poorly for a long time. I believe these two things are connected. I am compassionate to anyone struggling with their health, but now I’m struggling too. I have spoken to my boss,… Dear Guide: My boss has mental health issues, which lead her to treat me poorly. And now I’m struggling as a result

The Guide: My boss and I have differing views on the best strategy to advance our objectives

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  • 3 min read

Dear Guide: My boss and I have different views on the best strategy to advance our objectives. I’m proposing a new approach that will add cost, but I believe it will deliver greater revenue. He sees it as a cash flow black hole. I believe… The Guide: My boss and I have differing views on the best strategy to advance our objectives

The Guide: I want to fire someone for repeatedly not submitting their timesheet, but it feels petty

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  • 3 min read

Dear Guide: I have a casual team member who has repeatedly failed to submit their timesheet. I have explained to them several times that this must be done on time, as not doing so prevents them from getting paid and creates additional administrative work for… The Guide: I want to fire someone for repeatedly not submitting their timesheet, but it feels petty