Impact Society
Strategic Planning Toolkit
Our flagship product
Launch a straightforward strategic plan in under 30 days. A step-by-step guide for CEOs, team managers, founders and strategy professionals. Includes 130+ page guidebook and templates, checklists and agendas.

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Impact Society
Daily Acts of Leadership
New. 52 cards to inspire small, daily leadership actions that build trust, boost team engagement and enhance leadership skills.
Impact Society
Quarterly Planning Toolkit
Drive measurable results every quarter with the Quarterly Planning Toolkit. Set clear priorities, track progress and align your team with long-term goals using practical templates, agendas and checklists.

Impact Society
Guide to Recruitment
This guide helps you design and run a better recruitment process to find an amazing fit for your next hire.
Impact Society
Strategic Plan Audit
Our Strategic Plan Audit helps any CEO, manager, founder or strategy professional quickly check the health of their organisation or team’s strategic planning and execution.

Impact Society
Team Alignment Canvas
Most popular. A simple tool for organisations and teams to create strategic clarity.
Use it to capture your answers to Lencioni’s six critical questions, and share it with your team.
Impact Society
Above + below the line behaviours poster
Use this free poster to coach your team on the behaviours that promote effectiveness, connection and engagement.