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Impact Society

Random Acts of Leadership.



52 cards to inspire small, daily acts of leadership with big impact

Small actions, big impact. Leadership isn’t just about the big moments. It’s in the small, everyday actions that build trust, inspire others and create meaningful change. Yet, knowing what to do in the moment isn’t always obvious. Random Acts of Leadership offers a set of cards designed to guide you towards simple, daily leadership activities. Pick a card, take action and watch the impact ripple through your team.

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Random Acts of Leadership is not about waiting for the perfect moment to lead — it’s about taking action now, in small yet impactful ways. This deck of cards is designed to help leaders strengthen their leadership skills through daily, easy-to-do tasks. Each card offers a simple, practical prompt that can be completed in under 15 minutes, making it simple to integrate leadership into your everyday routine.

Whether you’re looking to develop a new habit or simply want to make a bigger impact in your day-to-day role, Random Acts of Leadership gives you the tools to lead by example. Pick a card at random, or choose one that feels right for the moment, and commit to putting leadership into practice in small, yet powerful, ways. Each one encourages you to connect more deeply with your team and foster a culture of trust, openness and growth.

By regularly practising these small acts of leadership, you’ll not only enhance your own leadership skills but also boost your team’s engagement and productivity. Because leadership isn’t just about big moments — it’s about showing up every day, in thoughtful, deliberate ways.

Questions include:

  • Ask a team member for advice on a current issue. Bonus points if it’s someone you wouldn’t normally ask.
  • Work out who’s most stressed or overloaded in your team and ask them: What’s one thing I can do for you today?
  • Publicly thank a team member for a recent contribution. Be as specific as possible about it.
  • Invite a team member you don’t work with closely for a coffee chat.
  • Ask a team member: What’s bugging you right now? What’s causing friction?

Physical product
52 cards + instructions
92 x 65 x 18 mm, 90g

How to use the cards.

You might…

  • Place the deck on your desk and select a random card whenever you have 15 min spare
  • Ask a team member to select a card for you to complete
  • Hand them around at your leadership meeting and ask each team member to share an action they’ll complete that week
  • Pick a handful of focus actions you want to work on and stick them on your wall as a daily reminder
  • Select one action for each team member that you’d like them to work on that week

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