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a large group of colorful umbrellas with pins sticking out of them

The good way to give bad news

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  • 2 min read

Dreading sharing some bad news with a team member? Here’s 3 steps to approach it 👇. If you have bad news to share with someone, the kind and effective way to do it is directly and with compassion. Don’t beat around the bush or procrastinate.… The good way to give bad news

Get the easy stuff right

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  • 2 min read

Management and leadership tasks can be hard. But there’s a bunch of easy stuff too. So get that right. I was listening to Scott Galloway talk the other day and his advice to young people included “get the easy stuff right”. It occurred to me… Get the easy stuff right

red tomato fruit on yellow background

Strong leaders take total ownership

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  • 2 min read

Here’s 3 things that effective leaders take total responsibility for. While average ones might own one or two (and bad ones none 🤦‍♂️). Strong leaders don’t make excuses. They accept that – if something happens on their watch – they’re responsible. They don’t just parrot… Strong leaders take total ownership

a group of wooden letters

Apologising doesn’t make you weak

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  • 4 min read

When was the last time you apologised for something at work? If you can’t remember, consider: are you perfect, or are you not apologising for some other reason? I’ve noticed that some people in management roles don’t like to apologise. But this approach is dead… Apologising doesn’t make you weak

I get frustrated when I see leaders overcomplicate their strategic planning

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  • 1 min read

Here’s what they get wrong: ❌ Taking months to finish the process❌ Distracting their already busy team with endless ‘planning days’❌ Drowning in analysis before even starting the plan❌ Spending a fortune on strategy consultants The truth: ✔️ You can create a solid strategic plan… I get frustrated when I see leaders overcomplicate their strategic planning

Is my boss OK?

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  • 2 min read

I thought this was pretty funny when I saw it the other day. Like most good jokes, it has a strong hint of truth to it. Because sadly, a lot of managers are not OK. A recent study by The Workforce Institute surveyed 3,400 workers… Is my boss OK?

yellow and white house

The envelope of leadership competence

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  • 2 min read

I think we each operate in an envelope of leadership competence. When we’re calm and composed, we rise to the heights of our competence. But, when we’re under extreme pressure, we lose our leadership composure and fall to the baseline of our incompetence. Our envelope… The envelope of leadership competence