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Daily Acts of Leadership: A simple tool to build stronger leaders every day

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  • 2 min read

They’re here! Our Daily Acts of Leadership card decks are officially on sale 🥳🎉! Leadership isn’t just about the big moments. It’s shaped in the small, everyday actions that build trust, inspire others and create meaningful change. That’s exactly why we created this deck. Want… 

A street sign hanging off the side of a building

Sonder and leadership: The one mindset shift that changes everything

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  • 2 min read

Here’s a word for something we all know, but rarely articulate: sonder. American writer John Koenig published an ambitious book in 2012, ‘The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows’. It’s an amazing project: he set about creating new words to describe complex emotions that lack a precise… 

silhouette of mountains

The key to better performance? Be hard on behaviour, soft on people

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  • 3 min read

Are you hard on behaviour but soft on people? You should be. Here’s why 👇. Most people most of the time are trying their best. When people stuff up, it’s rarely out of malice. Remember Hanlon’s Razor: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately… 

A close-up of a cactus in a terracotta pot on books with a white background.

Why being difficult to work with can ruin your career (and what to do instead)

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  • 3 min read

I’ve noticed something lately that’s quietly holding people back in their careers. It’s more common than you might think. Some people get asked to do something at work – something not technically required, or outside their normal job description – and hesitate. It’s not because… 

red and brown wooden table tennis racket

Why the best workplaces go beyond ping pong tables and free lunches

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  • 3 min read

Think about the worst possible workplace. Not just bad. Hellishly bad. What does it look like? How would people feel? And how productive would they be? I imagine people who’re bullied, harassed, stressed, overloaded, underequipped, in ill-suited roles, navigating ambiguous and changing priorities, underpaid, in… 

brown brush

How small habits can transform your leadership style

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  • 3 min read

I know I should meditate more. And that doing it – even for five minutes – would benefit me. But, I say to myself… I don’t have the time. It seems too hard. I can always start tomorrow. This is all a fairly accurate –… 

two gray pencils on yellow surface

Effective team engagement hack: 5 Slides in 5 minutes

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  • 1 min read

Managers, here’s a simple but effective team engagement hack I picked up a few years ago: At your next management meeting, invite someone else from the team or wider organisation — ideally someone less experienced — to give a quick presentation. Here’s the parameters: five… 

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

Why honest leaders build more trust: the power of authentic confidence

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  • 2 min read

Confidence is important for effective leadership. But lots of managers get this completely wrong. Confidence inspires trust and reassures your team that things are under control. But many leaders misunderstand what confidence means. They think it’s about pretending. Acting like they have all the answers,… 

a large group of colorful umbrellas with pins sticking out of them

The good way to give bad news

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  • 2 min read

Dreading sharing some bad news with a team member? Here’s 3 steps to approach it 👇. If you have bad news to share with someone, the kind and effective way to do it is directly and with compassion. Don’t beat around the bush or procrastinate.… 

A Close-Up Shot of Letter Dice

Why new managers should avoid big changes

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  • 5 min read

When stepping into a new management role, the impulse to make early, significant changes is natural. The idea of making a big improvement to the team or the business feels energising. For most managers, this comes from wanting to have a positive impact. The desire… 

Get the easy stuff right

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  • 2 min read

Management and leadership tasks can be hard. But there’s a bunch of easy stuff too. So get that right. I was listening to Scott Galloway talk the other day and his advice to young people included “get the easy stuff right”. It occurred to me… 

Small actions, big impact: Introducing Daily Acts of Leadership

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  • 2 min read

We tend to picture grand things when we think of impactful leadership. But it’s often the small acts that count. Because most of our impact comes day in, day out as we go about our role. And it’s easy to miss these everyday opportunities when…