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red tomato fruit on yellow background

Strong leaders take total ownership

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  • 2 min read

Here’s 3 things that effective leaders take total responsibility for. While average ones might own one or two (and bad ones none 🤦‍♂️). Strong leaders don’t make excuses. They accept that – if something happens on their watch – they’re responsible. They don’t just parrot… 

What Olympic breakdancing teaches us about being ourselves

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  • 3 min read

A friend recently asked – hypothetically – what advice I would have given to Australian Olympic breakdancer, Raygun. I don’t know anything about breakdancing (beyond it being artistically and culturally complex) or elite competition. But I would encourage anyone to be sincere, try their best… 

a group of wooden letters

Apologising doesn’t make you weak

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  • 4 min read

When was the last time you apologised for something at work? If you can’t remember, consider: are you perfect, or are you not apologising for some other reason? I’ve noticed that some people in management roles don’t like to apologise. But this approach is dead… 

silhouette of people on hill

Has ‘leadership’ lost its meaning?

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  • 3 min read

The word ‘leadership’ is thrown around so often that it sometimes feels like it is losing its meaning. We see it everywhere: in job titles, on LinkedIn profiles, in performance reviews. But what does it really mean to be a leader? Has the term become… 

a close up of a metal elevator with buttons

When the only way up is into management

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  • 4 min read

This cartoon nails it! (cartoon credit: Kendra Allenby, The New Yorker) It’s a common dilemma. One that many of us face at some point in our careers. After years of honing our (usually technical) skills, we’re presented with a crossroad: the only way up seems… 

zago plant

Bad culture punishes mistakes more than it celebrates success

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  • 2 min read

The more senior we get, the more tempting it can be to play not to lose. (As opposed to playing to win). I’ve noticed this trend amongst some leaders (and in myself sometimes). The more senior we get, the more conversative we become. At a… 

woman sitting beside table using laptop

Great writing is your secret weapon for impact

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  • 5 min read

Writing is one of the most powerful tools you have. Whether you’re running a business, leading a team, or simply trying to get a message across, the way you write can make or break your impact. Yet, most people don’t give it the attention it… 

brown dried leaves on sand

Is there such a thing as too much praise at work?

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  • 1 min read

Is there such a thing as too much praise at work? Some managers think so. Here’s why they’re wrong. “You can’t hug your kids too much”. That’s what I told one of my colleagues when talking about encouraging our teams. Here’s why it matters. There… 

I get frustrated when I see leaders overcomplicate their strategic planning

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  • 1 min read

Here’s what they get wrong: ❌ Taking months to finish the process❌ Distracting their already busy team with endless ‘planning days’❌ Drowning in analysis before even starting the plan❌ Spending a fortune on strategy consultants The truth: ✔️ You can create a solid strategic plan… 

I’ve had to deliver plenty of bad news at work – it always sucks

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  • 2 min read

I’ve let people go.I’ve said “no” when someone really wanted a “yes.”I’ve told my team that the business was struggling. It’s natural to want to delay delivering bad news. We put it off because we care. Because we don’t want to hurt people. But the… 

Is my boss OK?

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  • 2 min read

I thought this was pretty funny when I saw it the other day. Like most good jokes, it has a strong hint of truth to it. Because sadly, a lot of managers are not OK. A recent study by The Workforce Institute surveyed 3,400 workers… 

Leaders: paying attention to your own engagement is crucial

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  • 1 min read

Here’s what to do: First: Assess your engagement at work. If you’re measuring engagement in your team, check out your own results in isolation. Otherwise, schedule a self check-in once per month to rate how you’re feeling out of 10. Pay attention to any trends.… 

Three methods to get clear on what you want (in life and at work)

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  • 1 min read

I’m continually reminded that clarity is a fundamental element of great organisations, relationships and, ultimately, a great life. When we have clarity, we are more fulfilled as individuals and our organisations and communities thrive. Method 1 Do you know what you want to do and… 

white arrow painted on brick wall

How do you know if your strategic plan is working?

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  • 2 min read

A plan is only as good as its outcomes. Here’s how to track progress and ensure your strategy is delivering results. It’s easy to feel good about a strategic plan when it’s fresh. But the real test is whether it delivers results. How do you… 

yellow and white house

The envelope of leadership competence

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  • 2 min read

I think we each operate in an envelope of leadership competence. When we’re calm and composed, we rise to the heights of our competence. But, when we’re under extreme pressure, we lose our leadership composure and fall to the baseline of our incompetence. Our envelope… 

Person Swimming at the Pool in Grayscale Photo

20 things strong leaders can do (but old school managers avoid)

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  • 1 min read

Modern leaders focus on authenticity. While old school managers are too busy obsessing about not looking weak. But, you can be a strong, authentic leader and: Modern leadership sees authenticity as the key to connection. And connection as a key lever of leadership.

Respect > Politeness

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  • 1 min read

Very polite leaders tend to be less effective. Whereas highly respectful leaders perform better. Here’s why… Imagine a situation where someone isn’t doing a good job. Now, imagine it was you. What would you want your manager to do? Be polite and say nothing, in… 

The three kinds of feedback great leaders use every day

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  • 1 min read

There are three kinds of feedback great leaders use every day. But good managers don’t. Here they are 👇 The best leaders create a psychologically safe environment where there is a lot feedback. In all directions. Between peers. To the boss. And from the boss.… 

When things go M-A-D

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  • 2 min read

Have things gone M-A-D between your workers and management? (mutually assured demonisation) It’s a sad trend in many organisations. Workers assume the worst of management. Management assumes the worst of workers. If workers are unproductive, managers think they’re lazy. If they ask for better work… 

crop unrecognizable person in rubber gloves raising arms

How new leaders lose the frontline

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  • 1 min read

New executive comes in. Starts strong. Engages the frontline. Then gets busy. Buries themselves. Drops engagement. Loses trust. Workers say, “they’re just like everyone else, they don’t give a shit about us”. I’ve seen this repeatedly. And the sad thing is, the leader usually does…