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The second best time to improve your management approach is now

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  • 3 min read

When I learn about better ways of managing, I often feel silly for not knowing earlier. And, instead of implementing immediately, I sometimes get shy and procrastinate on it. This makes no sense. If it’s a better way of doing things, I should just start… 

It’s not employer vs employee

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  • 2 min read

As modern leaders, we can – and should – see the employer and employee relationship as a positive-sum game.

Everyone is winging it

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  • 2 min read

I used to feel intimidated by the many capable people I worked with. Especially older and more senior ones. I assumed they all had their sh!t together in a way that I didn’t. Until one day I realised there’s no secret guidebook or certificate that… 

Why leaders must engage themselves first

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  • 1 min read

The engagement of your team is one of the most important things you must focus on as a leader. But paying attention to your own level of engagement is not only important, but crucial. How you’re feeling about work has a huge impact on your… 

The selfishness of witholding feedback

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  • 1 min read

As managers, we need to stop withholding improvement feedback from our team members. It’s a selfish thing to do. Read on to find out why.

What Greek mythology has in common with change management

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  • 3 min read

Change management and Greek mythology have something in common. Sisyphus eternally rolled a boulder up a hill, before it rolled back down. A lot of organisational change is like this. How? Sisyphus was a king in Greek mythology who was condemned by the god, Hades.…