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5 differences between management and leadership

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  • 2 min read

The difference between management and leadership is confusing. They’re distinct, but related disciplines, which overlap with one another. There are no hard fast rules, but here’s five differences to help you distinguish the two. 1. Leadership leans to vision and purpose. Management is more goals… 

Is this the ultimate test of our leadership ability?

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  • 2 min read

Here’s a controversial test of our leadership ability: we’re only as good as our worst performing team member. It feels horribly uncomfortable to consider. I hate the idea. But… I think it might be true. Here’s why… Because, if we have a chronically underperforming team… 

The second best time to improve your management approach is now

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  • 3 min read

When I learn about better ways of managing, I often feel silly for not knowing earlier. And, instead of implementing immediately, I sometimes get shy and procrastinate on it. This makes no sense. If it’s a better way of doing things, I should just start… 

Why leaders must engage themselves first

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  • 1 min read

The engagement of your team is one of the most important things you must focus on as a leader. But paying attention to your own level of engagement is not only important, but crucial. How you’re feeling about work has a huge impact on your… 

The selfishness of witholding feedback

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  • 1 min read

As managers, we need to stop withholding improvement feedback from our team members. It’s a selfish thing to do. Read on to find out why.

Quiet quitting is judgement day for poor managers

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  • 3 min read

Low employee engagement reflects bad management, not bad people. And – judging by Financial Times data on widespread quiet quitting (low engagement by a new name) – bad management is widespread. This presents a huge opportunity for organisations and leaders who can engage their people.… 

What Greek mythology has in common with change management

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  • 3 min read

Change management and Greek mythology have something in common. Sisyphus eternally rolled a boulder up a hill, before it rolled back down. A lot of organisational change is like this. How? Sisyphus was a king in Greek mythology who was condemned by the god, Hades.… 

It’s time to drop “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions”

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  • 3 min read

Many managers like saying “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions”. It rolls off the tongue and sounds logical. But it’s time to stop saying it. Why? Because it risks creating an environment where problems are supressed. We will all occasionally encounter problems that stump…