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Are corporations bad? Exploring the role of leadership in shaping organisational impact

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  • 2 min read

Are corporations inherently harmful, or are they simply reflections of the leaders who run them? It’s increasingly fashionable – particularly on the political fringes – to dismiss corporations as inherently harmful: exploitative, profit-driven and destructive to society. But I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong… 

red and brown wooden table tennis racket

Why the best workplaces go beyond ping pong tables and free lunches

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  • 3 min read

Think about the worst possible workplace. Not just bad. Hellishly bad. What does it look like? How would people feel? And how productive would they be? I imagine people who’re bullied, harassed, stressed, overloaded, underequipped, in ill-suited roles, navigating ambiguous and changing priorities, underpaid, in… 

Book Summary: Start With Why by Simon Sinek

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  • 3 min read

The book in a paragraph The most successful individuals and organisations communicate and operate from their core purpose, cause or belief, inspiring others and achieving remarkable loyalty and engagement. They “start with why”. And then they align their how – processes and values – and… 

You don’t need to trade-off purpose against performance

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  • 2 min read

In fact, it turns out that organisations deliver better financial returns when they focus on purpose over profit. You don’t have to take my word for it: recent survey by PwC showed that 79% of business leaders believe that an organisation’s purpose is central to business… 

Be crystal clear on your organisation’s purpose

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  • 6 min read

I have recently been reading about the history of outdoor clothing and gear company, Patagonia. There are a number of stories about Patagonia that perfectly illustrate the power of purpose in business. Examples include: Patagonia is an organisation that knows who they are and why…