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red apple fruit on brown dried leaves

Why recruitment fails: Lessons from the worst hire I’ve ever seen

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  • 3 min read

Anyone who’s recruited more than a few roles and thinks they’ve nailed it every time either has low standards or is lying. Because recruitment is risky and impossible to get right 100% of the time. But there are things we can do to stack the… 

person picking orange fruit

Get recruitment right if you want a high performing team

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  • 1 min read

Steven Bartlett – from Diary of a CEO – says that “every company is a recruitment company”, because few things affect success more than having the right people on a team. Why then are many organisations so casual about recruitment? And why aren’t hiring managers… 

Hiring is one of the highest leverage activities for a leader

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  • 1 min read

Inconveniently, leverage works in both directions, positive and negative. The people you bring onto your team can be the driving force behind your greatest successes or the source of your biggest problems. Bringing in the right people will elevate your team’s performance and make the… 

How Netflix does reference checks in 3 steps

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  • 2 min read

Netflix is legendary for its high performance culture. An important aspect of this is recruiting great fits. To do this, Reed Hastings explained on the Tim Ferriss podcast how he does referee checks. He does what he calls ‘cold sourcing’ of references. This means he… 

40 Tips to Find Your Next Superstar Recruit

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  • 1 min read

What makes a good recruitment process? Research shows that three things are most reliable at predicting on the job performance: 1. Work sample tests = 2. General cognitive ability tests = 2. Structured interviews Yet, few recruitment processes include sample work or cognitive ability tests.… 

Hire for attitude. Train for skill.

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  • 2 min read

The hardest people to manage are those with attitude problems, not capability issues. So why do recruitment processes focus so much on technical fit, rather than cultural fit? I think there are two reasons: What’s the answer? Recruit people through the lens of the matrix… 

The one unconventional recruitment technique more effective than interviews

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  • 3 min read

There is one unconventional recruitment technique more effective than everything else. Even interviews. What is it? Well, if you hired a chef, you wouldn’t just interview them, would you? You’d also want to taste their cooking, right? So why then do so many recruitment processes…